
Bordered emails that POP!

Beautiful borders from your email template editor are possible, sort of. I’ve been inspired by background images in email for a while. Some people have stayed away from them for the obvious: email client support. If done the right way, it is an invaluable

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smarty sassy framework

I have been working with a few frameworks recently and I figured I would take the time and develop something that suited the need of a finicky client. Yes, it seems like nearly all the things I do are at the behest of a finicky client…

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my resume design: a look back at the future

Ok, I’ll admit it, I’m not the best designer in the world, although, I have been known to crush it. So, it was very encouraging to see the new movie poster for the Steve Jobs movie, and more importantly that it looked very familiar.

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designers friendly sass font mixin

I recently was working on a project for a client and realized that I wanted a mixin, but they changed their minds frequently. So I was tasked with creating a mixin that could easily handle the nesting (read rems instead of percentages or ems)

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